985 Comments Posted by twug

Talking about it is nothing like actually being out there where anyone can hear your bodily functions. Don't you hate those public "areas", BritChick? Not only can anyone hear you, but how unsanitary! it's positively icky.
What an outstandingly beautiful window!
Matt, that is one incredible observation. Are you a writer or an artist? Not many without the most vivid of imaginations would see that. It makes the shot repulsive and beautiful at the same time!
Obviously not a one of them has lost anyone. The only way I want to see a morgue is on "CSI".
Hey ~Me, love you too. But don't y'all think it's really weird to have a soap dispenser in a stairwell?!
Aw, come on guys! This is so awesomely 3D!!! *dripping sarcasm*
Enter one Knight in Shining Armor. Add one soap box. Working with the MR/MH population is difficult. Patience is a must, as well as the need to be alert in some cases. AS with ANY population, you may have to deal with violence, threats upon your person, and verbal and physical abuse. Being handicapped should not make you a pariah; there is violence in both worlds. Also, not everyone who works with these folks is abusive. Where I worked, client abuse was not tolerated. Granted, things in the past used to be bad for MR/MH people, and they WERE treated poorly, but things have come a long way in the field. Normalcy is what the State screams on a continuous basis. Which is great on paper, and goes a long way in protecting clients' rights. But, I have "lived" cases where some of my people were coddled and treated like gold to the point that it was ridiculous. They wanted for nothing and were rarely held accountable for their actions (and some of these were high-functioning adults). That is not normalcy.
Geez, Gordon, I try to be serious in helping you with your literary career, and this is the thanks I get....Just kidding : )
It looks so new in comparison to its surroundings.
Light fixture above, soap dispenser below.
This picture makes me want to cry, but i am waxing philosophical.....sorry.
Oh quest, that is so-o-o-o-o bad!
So, Depends don't really work, then.
Where the heck've you been, N?
So, Motts, how did you get the light from your flashlight to look like a ghost?