46 Comments Posted by think-purple

Can you imgine someone taking all those and keeping them in the fridge at home? Ugh. The bottles are very photogenic though.
I was wondering what that was in there, and your caption gave me the shivers. The colors and the composition are very eerie.
This photo almost looks like a movie promo. :'D
And that's one dusty window in the background...
They look like beakers and such. Things you use in Chemistry class. :D
"No, I wish I did but I was working fast ..."
How long do you generally stay when you visit places? Just curious.

That's a remarkable green in the photo. Kind of unsettling, actually...
What exactly is that? Looks kind of like a faucet maybe...?
The focus in this is lovely.
This is one of my favorite shots on this entire site. The sky's color is remarkable!
Very artistic. And so well preserved, in a place like that. The poor thing.
The angle almost feels like vertigo. A little unnerving...
My heart aches for all the people forced to live here. Imagine being thrown into a darkness like that...
This photo scares me half to death, I swear. I'm gonna have to sleep with the lights on tonight.
This photo is striking to me, partly because of the newfallen snow's contrast against the dilapidated and aged remains of the theater. Amazing.
Think any specimens are left in that drawer? :O
I got a chill looking at this. The colors are just perfect.