331 Comments Posted by serenityjane

love it motts, just luuuuuurve it
marvellous light rays, and is there one door open there, casting a silver strip along the corridor?
odd, very odd
I'm here to stay- wedding ceremony??????
VERY out of place! In the dark it could be mistaken for a figure leaning against the wall. eeek!
mmmm. it is a nice rug...but WHY? has to be asked on many levels, especially the lights...so it would be used after dark...and people would be walking near it hence the rug...*scratches chin*
holes deliberately made.........? why? weirdsville!
it looks so......organic and alive
I dont think that's weird, 'I'm here to stay' -I'd get married in here too!
The railing is lovely, looks so delicate like the rest of the interior
something had a good go at that door!!!! This room is clinically creepy!
I agree. The blue is gorgeous. Looks a bit webby like a giant spider has taken up residence
Well, that has answered my floor Q from the first pic!
Why use a CHILD as target practice? Sinisterrrr!
I love that floor
Motts, I can't see very clearly, but the floor looks awesome. Can you desribe? Tiling?
Motts has done it again! Oh woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!