26 Comments Posted by s3an

I went there last week. The rustwater is still there. no cup... but a decaying battery. There were some stairs that lead to a lower level right near the morgue. but when we went, it was raining really hard and there had been a 10 day rain shower that flooded it up to our knees... Kind of funny. my friend Aaron and Julia and I didn't want to go into the water. Aaron and I look at eachother and I said "Fuck that" And the girl Julia we were with actually went into the water with no shoes on. We got it all on film, but the lighting was bad, all we saw was a really long hallway with a freaky cage on one side and another hallway on the other. It looked freakier since it was under 3 feet of water. I really want to go back with Trashbags.
Motts should sneak into Alcatraz... that would be neat!
to get off topic. that looks like a discarded pack of smokes... on the drain
nah. that was stupid. prolly a noteboard. well looks like no one is getting their messages anymore.
or a window maybe?
wish I had a skateboard...
sean is the reason that I post with a 3 replacing the E in my name... I don't even think he knows what he is saying. DUDE IT'S A LIGHT. NOT SOMETHING WE NEED TO CALL GHOSTBUSTERS AND ASK FOR INFO ON! hehe three.
that's pretty high up for a child.
hahahahgood point jane!
what did the Graphitti read?
Sweet Lay-z-boy
Narnia anyone?
It almost looks... unreal.
I agree. it looks like a banquet hall of some sort
I think when something traumatic happends anywhere or anytime it kind of leaves a "stain" if you will. I hope you understand. say if something horrible happends in a house. like a dorm of a college girl who was murdered in her bed by Ted Bundy. Im not saying the "spirit" haunts the place. but It could leave a stain. this could be bigger then what Im trying to explain. think about it. Could it be possible for something to stain time? Something so horrible that it just constantly stays with the place it happened in? like the violant ward... Does it make sense?