323 Comments Posted by reddll

Did they give these people pillows or cushions or something? Wouldn't you get bed sores? Could you move around and still have the machine work properly? Did they have problems with people's muscles atrophying?

I am just a load of questions today!
What I would like to know is if these machines ever hindered some patients from improving? I know that there were people that absolutely needed/need these to survive, but did some people get better?
There are many different kinds of bravery. Hurrah to you Yaggy! Too confining for me!
Really creepy! It looks as though it is expectantly waiting to gobble someone up!
Maybe the title should be "PlasterLESS".

It makes me feel like a prisoner in a dungeon looking up at the only light of the day filtering down to the dank depths of depravity.of
Is this where people gave blood? It would be appropriate!
Was there any writing identifying this area?
What a wonderfully appealling shot!
Rise and Shine!
Almost as if someone is still watching over the ward.
Just some random thoughts here.
Is this some of the aforementioned asbestos?
Do you ever wear masks when you go into some of these places?
"SASSY" sure doesn't have anything better to do.
It is hard to imagine the institution in it's better days!
It looks like Barnabus from the old "Dark Shadows" soap opera about the vampire.
"On the stair a shadowed creeped,
Beckoning me to follow....."

I read this somewhere in High School, anyone help me out here? It was an old classic.
It's like a piece of blue delftware in a pile of terra cotta pots.

It seems so happy where it is.
This reminds me of a modern cartoon rabbit that has all kinds of evil, degrading, and just plain rude little sayings. Ever heard of "Happy Bunny"? Maybe this child grew up to be the artist!

Regarding the "extra ear", I don't think that it is an ear at all. I believe that what we have here is an attempt at perspective of sorts. It appears that the front leg is directly below the face. I believe that the bump is the end of the rabbit's other foot peaking out from the other side. Think of one of those little stuffed animals that lays on it's stomach. Maybe this lonely child/adult had a stuffed toy that was it's only friend and they gave it a bit of a personality.
It looks like the scene of a spontaneous combustion!
Was the floor in this passage really rounded or does the debris just make it appear that way?