229 Comments Posted by phiftybuick

New gallery...thank you Motts!
That's exactly what I was thinking, Tony.
That's why it's still there for US to see & enjoy - - because it hasn't been stolen or smashed. If it ain't yours, leave it alone!
Wow! Love the new look, and a new gallery...glad to see you're back, Mr. Motts! And you, too, Lynne!
Nice tour, Sir Motts! Thank you!
I'm sure he means the broken glass from the old skylights above. Legitimate fear here!
Great perspective
Incredible indeed. I can picture the Opacity logo Photoshopped onto the far wall......
Yeah, that looks pretty spooky alright. Gives the impression that someone could jump out of one of those cells at any moment!
Peeling paint & crumbling brick....what a great texture!
Very glad to see a new gallery, Motts!
I was wondering how the coal dumped out of the cars; Thank you again for taking us on another trip to a beautifully decaying place, Motts. So realistic.
Heavy-duty roller bearings. This place must have been SO fascinating to see in operation.....
This must have been an amazing place to shoot!
Very good picture. Motts, you have a way of transporting the viewer right to the very spot where you stood. Amazing.