651 Comments Posted by nancy

(some of this spelling is giving me a headache) Anyway, all the spray paint makes it hard to tell what this place even is.
Thank you, Lynne; from your 2 posts. I can't understand half their mis-spelled and fulgar language, either.
I really believe this place is falling apart fast. I don't think it would take too much with the wrecking ball to bring it down.
No, but touching one isn't pleasant, either.
I gotta tell you, this place is REALLY a mess! How long has this been empty?
ALL these hospitals seemed to have tunnels. Are these buildings still standing?
Go on ebay; there's plenty of Danver's things for sale. But, excuse me for saying, I think that's pathetic.
There's pain and misery everywhere; not just asylums.
Would have made lovely apartments but I guess they would rather use dry-wall. As far as the "haunting thing", I don't care WHERE you live, there is history everywhere. How do you know what's happened where you're living now?
Janice, you can BUY the slate tiles off of ebay for $9.99 a piece but, so sorry, that doesn't include shipping or handling.
Maybe they were telling you that you shouldn't be poking around in there.
Wow, they must have missed this; nice mahogany wood to sell on ebay.
I can not believe the nerve people have to try and make a buck off of selling BRICKS, SLATES, BUTTONS, and whatever off of this hospital on ebay. Out of curiousity, I went on that site and my mouth literally fell open. People in this world are so money-hungry, they make me sick!
Mel, my sweet daughter, I'd go down there with you.
Yea, oh well, another piece of history bites the dust.