6 Comments Posted by miranda

I just came across this website and it's so incredible because I love photography and these photos are remarkable! I really love this photo shoot at the Chateau de Miranda. I also was wondering if you have had any experience running into the supernatural at all by going to places like these?
if u only knew what those pt's went thru.......the abuses its right ou of a Poe novel
i worked there iback in 86 tis an evil place and yes a murder took place there horrible abuses to pt.s by staff, etc... and underground tunnels which were used for.........interesting purposes
okay does anyone else think its a little wierd that theres a morgue in the school
Motts, I've been looking at many of these galleries, and they are absolutely beautiful. I am amazed at how many dilapidated buildings stay standing for that many years.

I hope to visit and photograph a few before my years are over. And if at all possible, get to a point in my career in which I can make a music video in one of these marvels.

I thank you for posting these spectacular photos.
I visited my uncle there back in the 1950's when I was 12 or so. As we approached the building I saw a man walking in continual circles and wondered what in the world was that about..... My uncle was hidden away there from the rest of the family - my mother never told me where we were going, only that we were going to see my "uncle". We brought him a fruit and candy basket. We sat down with him and he made almost no eye contact; just kept eating what was in the basket, as if he thought someone else might get it if he didn't eat it all. I remember thinking I'd never seen anyone eat 3 rolls of Lifesavers in a row....I was able to get a copy of his medical records and thankfully it looks like nothing horrid was done to him. In retrospect, the man was probably autistic or learning disabled, and for that he spent a lifetime in an insane asylum. He was cast out into a nursing home when Met State closed.