8 Comments Posted by melanie

These places are absolutely beautiful. Your work is amazing as well. Some of it looks as though it belongs in a horror movie. Most of them put up great looks for some haunted houses.
I find this interesting the bottles have no dust on them. When did place close down? if it was Hitlers little place, after war did they keep the hospital up and running and if so as what?
It looks alive...marvelous!
Watch the magnificent buildings disappear as the bulldozers move in.
There is less each time I drive past.
My gran worked at Whittingham as a senior nurse for over fourty years and my grandad worked in the giant furnace rooms.
I remember going as a child to work at summer fairs and being with the patients and when I asked my gran what each had done, she would say "better not to know".
My dad as a child was taken to the cinema in Longridge with school and the children would be locked into the cinema with Whittingham patients. Hands would sneak over the childrens' shoulders and pinch their sweets.
I have lots more tales from Whittingham and am thinking of writing a book!
Hey skeeter I want a tour of the place... Looks eerie and interesting
stunning! i must say that all of these buildings are nut house amazing. seriously.. great shot.
could be a flower box!