1 Comments Posted by mcm

I was in the first grade in 1971, and had been labelled "hyperactive". Through some kind of state program,I was sent from my suburban NJ town to a school there. I think it was called " the Garden School". As I looked at some of the photos of the place, I got chills and a kind of visceral jolt in my gut, not sure why. I don't have a lot of memories of the place. I do remember a kind of sunroom, and a large lunch room. I remember uncommunicative kids sitting on the floor, rocking, and other kids who were easily angered. My parents, realizing that I didnt belong there, had to sue our school system to get me out. Seems like our school was getting money from the state to send kids there, and they didnt want to give up their source of income. I'm not sure about the details. Does anyone know anything about the school and what organization ran it? Any info would be appreciated. Email w246892@hotmail.com