216 Comments Posted by jo

If laying in a mourge freezer creeps you out, WHY, did you lay in them. It id disrespectful to the dead anyways to pretend you are. Also, do you expect there to be heaters and lights in the freezer? Oh you know the dead bodies must be kept warm and the light allows them to read.
Sometimes they ask for ID
Just looking at this makes me want cookies
they fling poo too.WHO FLINGS POO?
Lemurs are pretty cool. But monkeys...monkeys they are just scary. With their...posable thumbs and hairy butts...
Monkeys scare me...
Well technically, the second man leaves. Just not as happy as the first man.
I really want this in my room. Even though i have one of those ghey along the wall heaters. I would kill to have this. Rainbow <3
Looks to me like two or three broke.
benihana, sorry to inform you, but I think that is a window with a line that slightly curves upwards under it. No hard feelings...Cyclopses dont smile, they only have one eye and that makes them all emo about everything, and their one eyeness.
sadly, i would actually wear that.
It looks like they spraypainted nipples on the one with the bleeding eyes.
Ducttape would work for a while! it does fix everything. you just would have a hard time getting in and out.
But, who would steal ALL the doorhinges. "hey i stole a doorhinge but, i wanted more and just couldnt stop it's an addiction"
They may have been taken for building new doors and whatnot. Doorhinges can be pretty expensive, like a dollar or so. Or just someone who loves door hinges enough to steal them from a hospital. The owner may have took them with him.