140 Comments Posted by hrm

Noooo, you just aren't allowed to...
You seem to find these "Drinking water barrels" in a lot of abandoned buildings. I've seen shots of large quantities of these before...
Quite interresting, i've never seen such a varity of wheel chairs...
I would not "go" down this hallway, i would slide my way through it... But thats just me... :}
Where is this place located?

I've seen sismilar places in austria. Up in the mountains, before the "winter sports tourism", many villages had what they called "cure hotels" or something similar, it was a place where you could just relax, have a peaceful rehabilitation after a time of sickness or so. It was even forbidden to work or make noices such as running heavy traffic though these villages, to keep them as peaceful as possible. But when the winter sport tuorism started, and people went to these villages to go skiing, the hotels popularity decreased, until they had to close down most of them.

Therefore, if you go to a small mountain village in austria, you may see these large hotel builings in the middle of the village, abandoned. Imagine that! In the middle of the town, surrounded by houses stands a 5-6 stores high building abandoned! Noone can afford to buy and renorvate these hotels, and some of them doesn't even have water or electricity in them! They just stand there.

I was on a holiday trip to Badgastein in the Austrian alps, when i saw these buildings, and i asked a local about them, and he told me what i just told you here. He alsoadvised me not to visit them, and i didn't really dare to either, but oh, how i regret that now! Anyway, thats the story, i don't know if it even fits here, but anyway...