20 Comments Posted by frankthetank

you should have put on a play for security. i'm sure they would have appreciated it.
ya, its old shag rug from the 70's :-)
that's FUCKED UP.

don't be too worried, it was used to kill TB (although a report i read said that production was discontinued because it failed at that), and it only causes mild irritation to skin and lungs. Well, that is when its right out of the bottle, not 20 years old.
Sounds like cancer. Those look pretty new, is the building still being used for something?
Did you have a detatchable IR lamp or something? Looks kinda freaky how you set it up.
hoe lee shit
Do you guys always wear asbestos masks, and is there really that much asbestos there?
i remember going up on that when I was about 5(like 1994 or so), that was the coolest thing I had ever done, i was so excited being up above the forest.
Ya, green = oxygen. The handle and fitting look incredibly beat up, this thing could blow if you breathe on it wrong(if by some odd reason it's full).

Not sure why it says "CIVIL DEFENSE"
Wow, you're right. Oh, and stupid goddamnned vandals throwing rocks through windows.
Sometimes even the simpilest pictures become the most interesting, it causes you to look even deeper into the picture.
Cold day?
Why the hell is there an "Old Sturbridge Village" sticker on there?