47 Comments Posted by emily

What building is the morgue in..?
My friends and I went to the Paul Dever School about 5 years ago... There were still needled all over the tables, water in the bath tubs and much more... There were also 3 little houses on the road that were abandoned with the doors left wide open. They also had tables with needles on them and a bunch of other weird stuff.... My brother said that he saw a wheel chair rolling across the street late one night there too... My uncle actually went to school there when he was younger a long long time ago. My boyfriends grandmother worked as a nurse there too

I wish I could go there to take some pictures like you have. Your work is amazing!!!! I have a site its called MomentsExposedPhotography.com. I inspire to take pictures as great as you do one day =)
I am oddly used to crapping in front of other people and there fore because of it I can crap anywhere.I tried committing suicide with pills, didn't go to the psych ward-my rents and a lawyer prevented it, being I go to a psychiatrist and get medicated. Since I was unable to walk because I had kidney damage, the nurse would also come in with me and observe. I had to shit in what was called a medical hat, where they sorted through the crap and find the pills I injested. O and before they realized the kind of shape I was in, they had me use a bedpan as precaution, so honestly if you used a bedpan and needed help with it, it shouldnt be a big deal.
''this hospital is hunnted''
Should we add lonely soap dispensers to our list of shots to look forward to? :)
I've been to the insane isylum there. It's very interesting. The cops have the first few buildings boarded up, but if you go back far enough, you can go inside. It's not breaking and entering because the last buildings have no no tresspassing signs, and the dors are wide open. Plus, If you go up the hill, there's this old house that's actually really pretty. I think it belonged to the owners daughter. Its beautiful, and has a great view. Peple should try to rebuild it. It would look sooo pretty.
I actually went to visit pilgram state yesterday for a photo assignment..... one of the coolest expierences of my life.... in every picture i have spirit orbs showing up, you can even see faces in some of them
i actually live in buffalo ny and visited it last night. unfortunatly you cant go inside, the place is constatly patrolled by police at hours of the day. mainly bc its located practically on buff state campus so alot of douch bags break in and graffiti it. but theres another part of the ward that actually gets used...this place is huge and has an awesome history.
Looks like the hallways in juvy..
Is it just me or dose it look like someone is standing there?
it's such a shame how they left all these books
behind. I would love to get my hands on them! lol
I think this could have been one of the patients with a depression problem, being a bit ironic. Looking awful might have made them feel bad. Maybe they were trying to tell themselves that looking would make them happier. In the same way someone would say that skinny people are always happy and confident and being fat is never good. I'm just making presumptions, 'cause for some reason I don't think the hospital management but that on there with a pen, in an untidy manner.
i've read through the comments on this particular picture and i've taken a good portion of time out of my day to do so.
and i think taking years to proove something in this argument is ridiculous.
obviously, if nothing has been solved by now, it never will be.
let the ignorant remain in "bliss".

this is artwork.
let people interpret it as they'd like.
Was there a sign in this room that said it was a birthing room? It looks more like it would have been used for showing autopsies to medical students and doctors.