170 Comments Posted by charlie

The Methadone Clinic!! LOL It has been a while since I was last hear, and I had forgotten just how great this site is.. This building rivals the Kirkbrides for beauty, and it hasn't suffered the vandal yet.. As always, the photography is first rate.. Love your work, Motts!!
90% did not belong there!
Motts couldn't have picked a more perfect time to work his camera magic. The snow is what gives these shots that feeling of eternity. Motts has the ability to capture those perfect moments like no other photographer I have seen.
Germany is a beautiful country with a lot of history, and the people are wonderful when they are not at war with us. I would love to visit there, especially Dresden.
That's some nice graffiti writing. It looks out of place in such a dilapidated room. Very artistic..
I think I remember reading about someone getting in trouble for putting some records from Danvers or some other mental hospital on Ebay. for sale. I read so much, and my memory is not what it use to be..
Those records should be saved digitally for people doing family research or anyone doing research for a book. The paper records should then be destroyed, for they are expensive to keep in a safe, secure location as you can see here and at other locations.
These are some of the best decay photos I have seen. There doesn't seem to be much vandalism, just decay. All alone and decaying, the room that saw so much emotion, joy and laughter, and tears of sadness.
Mental patients are people with a disease, and they are all unique people just like each and every one of us. It is sad that such bold language is used for all to see.
Lynne, did you take those photos of Mr. Motts with his own camera?
Taxpayer's money, not well spent. I love old books, records and old Software. Thanks Mr. Motts..
Thanks "huh" for sharing your experience with us.
The stuff nightmares are made of!!
Ahha!! Good ole decay!! To bad they wouldn't preserve the theater.
It's nice to see it intact and beautiful. When the power and heat go, and they stop patrolling and windows are broken, a building deteriorates fast.