12 Comments Posted by catydid

oh, yeah....

and if your community MH or MR program lacks funding....
and is forced to consider returning to a earlier model in order to provide any sort of care....
thank a republican.
unfortunately most "sanitariums" were way understaffed and still are. What we pay human services workers is a statement to how our society views people.... as this is very often the cause of understaffing.
for the record the showers at my junior high were way worse....
After hearing former clients of mine tell me how they were taken outside and hosed down in the middle of winter at the Ladd School, or how even worse, they were never given showers because they were too "high functioning" to need assistance, but not able to function well enough to bathe themselves....i think being bathed in one of these rooms would be a blessing.
Please remember that many (too many) citizens of this country (and others I am sure) lived here. And by lived, I mean this was the only home they may have had. Ever. Whether because family members had washed their hands of them, (often the case) or were unable to care for them properly...and provide for their "special needs". Thankfully care for DD, PDD and severe MH issues has come a long way (at least up North)...consider the alternatives....but it has a long way to go still.
Remember..."there but for the grace of god..."
been meaning to get back here an post a reply to J Black.
I knew craig just from being one of those pathetic stoned kids who hung out at the park in the summer for lack of anything better to do...lol.
thant and my lifelong philosophy of ALWAYS talking to strangers (my parents tried...they really did...)
but yeah-
so i don't have big hair....though the city i'm from is known for it...
knew craig from chatting with people who worked there....
and thought it was a great place to work when i worked there later on...though the pay wiked sucked..... but the perks were great!!
the milk jug ball toss was wiked hard!!! occasionally, I would give one of the prizes away after someone had dropped what seemed like an obscene amount of money (at the time) to me....
nope....my sister didn't work there...but I know who you're thinking of.... i think... i was there in 94
I used to help clients in and out of standers...i always thought they looked like torture devices myself, but the clients seemed to enjoy the break from being in their wheelchairs. Never was sure if they actually understoof why they were in the standers though.
as an fyi, the games company at rocky point had run games at lincoln park too. I think some of the chintzy prizes we had when I worked there were left over from lincoln park./
I kid you not.
ANd yep, there are probably coyotes there. there always were in that area.

somewhere i have one or two rolls of negatives from this park that i took in 1994. I still have a few prints on my wall. don't know that they're all that great though.
omg...the clamcakes!!!
this was once my favorite ride for the "cheese factor". eventually it was replaced by the "mindbender" at Playland.
wonder if that's still there...
oh, yeah.
I can neither confirm nor deny my involvement in anything.
: )
craig price, btw, didn't strike one as a serial killer when you met him.
I worked here between freshman and sophomore year.
yep- i was a carny.
well, a game-chick actually.
I'd be willing to bet that many of the people i worked with were guilty of a lot of really perverse and creepy shit.
I know for a fact about some pretty tapped stuff former co-workers of mind did during that time and afterwards.
God. this ride was never scary. not even when I was a kid. Made a good place to get a little amorous (in a jr high sort of way) with a date, and also to sneak a few puffs....