29 Comments Posted by arose_is4ever

If there were any really lonely people that died in the hospital here, they sure weren't lonely in death. Too little too late. It's sad, some people don't matter until they die.
When I said "hot tub", I didn't mean it that way
I hear you there star. Never got the pleasure of a sitz bath, just got that horrible aerosol spray stuff that burned like no other when it hit stitches
I see the skull and I also see an impression on the far left wall of a human body, head, legs, arms, the whole thing
The paint chip pattern on the right looks like a woman with a dark spaghetti strap dress waving
I just got hooked on this site a few weeks ago, and have noticed a comment theme when i comes to bathrooms, so I am going to jump on the bandwagon: where are the soap dispensers?
If I'm seeing things correctly, is that an old water fountain on the right and a radiator on the left? Great pic, I remember being a little kid and driving past this place. Even then, I got chills, woke me from a dead sleep.
I looked at the picture and thought over the last child who could have played with this doll. What was this place like for them: a safe haven or a prison?
You would think the slash marks would be inside the door, from a tortured soul trying desparately to get out. It's strange that they're on the outside.
It's a mini straight jacket. Kind of makes me wonder how supportive it is compared to the bras today
Because of the huge radiator in the room, I don't think this was used as a seclusion room, because the person locked in there could have seriously hurt themselves with that radiator.
Funny, from what I remember of English history, only the queens got beheaded
Of course, old dirty balls don't work nearly as well as young clean ones
My first comment on this site. I've seen a lot of lonely chair shots here, but this lonely shovel takes the cake.