7 Comments Posted by Vicki

sink photobomb level:expert
Oh - to have a big tub like that!
Wow - I just realized how chaotic my sentence structure was! Sorry everyone. That one was a challenge to read!
I love the lines in this one. There are several that draw my eye - The arch of the doorway and the curve of the bannister hand-rail the diagonal of the stair rail and the competing diagonals of the landing and the window ledge; and the almost verticals of the banister posts. It's almost chaotic, but my eye travels along the hand-rail to the exact focal point of the picture. It's marvelous!
Mica, I agree with you regarding the graffiti. While I'm sure I'd have liked it more without, in this case, it almost seems to add to the atmosphere.
:) Now this is interesting to me... I looked at this photo and imagined the steel shining bright and clean, the brick/tile floors swept and mopped until they're shining and the kitchen bustling with white coated chefs, sous-chefs, preps, and wait-staff. In my mind, it's a kitchen waiting to be used, waiting for it's "family" to show up so it can be turned on again, it's not creepy at all - it's just in a holding pattern for now. This is what I think is so wonderful about art - everyone sees something totally different even though they're looking at the same thing!

Thanks Mr. Motts, for these amazing photos. You're living my dream and I'm happy to have the opportunity to enjoy it through your eyes.
Four years later a newby to the site says...
I love the contrast between the curved and straight lines. The hallway curves, the arch is curved, and even the board on the floor is curved - all of this is juxtaposed with the straight lines in the paint on the walls and the straight lines and 90 degree angles of the doors.

This one just really grabbed my attention.