BustedTrespasser there must have been another red Dodge up there besides mine. I was in the front by the T. Rex when you were walking around on the 2nd floor. I did not call the cops. Someone else called the superintendent of the job, and then he called the cops also because of the 50 ton dump truck accident. After I saw you and your Jeep I went to the ball park to get some pictures. After a while I saw the tow truck and you come out. I was leavening and got busted by the cops. I was taken down to the job trailer by the smoke stack. The cops questioned me, then the superintendent came along and straightened everything out. Hell I haul out of there during the week and got questioned on Sunday. I think its a bunch of bull shit due to the ASS HATS screwing with all the stuff. All it takes is one to screw it up.
No, that was not me in the cafeteria. I was questioned by the police around 5:00pm. They wanted to know who I was and the whole 9 yards. After I explained to them, I was the guy who halls out of there all week and the superintendent showed up all was fine. They also wanted to know if any body else was up there, and who they are. I told them there was no one else up there, I knew there were some people left up there but I was not going to rat them out. All is well.
But now they are arresting people.
I just got done talking to the superintendent of the job, and the police
They are beefing up patrols on the property due to the fact that they have had equipment vandlesed/sabotashed. Just today someone stole a 50 ton dump truck and drove it through a building on the hill, causing a lot of damage to the truck.
If you are standing in front of the building a very small portion on the left. More or less they just ripped open the doors that were on the side and some ceiling. They ripped out the front doors, jams and all. And on the very right they ripped off the front facade, but the floors are still there. You can still access it easily, but do use extrema caution and good judgment.