6 Comments Posted by Traveler

Thought inspiring quote.
I have told my husband and children that donating one's body is not only intended for those who have no means to provide an expensive, showy funeral. It is an honorable thing for individuals to do!
I have told my kids, that a Mass could still be said, and that after all that can be learned from a cadaver is learned, the remains are returned to the family to be buried, so there is a place the family can go to pray and visit.
I have made my wishes clear and written it all down!
I am assuming that the medical community would want a slightly chubby, 50'ish Mom, whose drapes don't match the carpet!
Beautiful fireplace. Beautiful rooms. Beautiful shots.

If this place was closer to Philadelphia, the entire site would have been defiled by graffiti. Apparently they only aspire to have beer and spray paint down there.
Beautiful. Thanks, Mr. Motts.
Beautiful piece and photo.
Last week, on a repeat episode of Cold Case, the story took place at a mental institution in Philadelphia. I missed the first few minutes, but I did see the scene where one of the characters was undergoing a "hydrotherapy" session, where ice was being put in the tub, under a canvas covering. It was a scary scene, since I had seen these pictures, previously. I imagine that the story was supposed to take place at Byberry. Did anyone else see that program?
Thank goodness the individuals who put the graffiti all over Byberry are apparently unable to drive or don't have wheels. Other sites that Mr. Motts has taken pictures of are not "tagged" by the individuals who can only access buildings they can walk to on the Boulevard!