2 Comments Posted by Takeia

Trust and believe signs are up and visible
I don't know if this site is even active anymore, I honestly just left The Ladd School. When I first moved back to RI I was in high school and did a project on this location, it's taken me years to actually visit it and to be honest. I'm not even sure what's still standing, it was so dark and I'm not going to lie, my body froze, my mind which I cant recall even thinking put my car into a complete uturn and I flew out of there. Just being on that land is something I cant describe, its sooo heavy, its beyond heavy. I can still fell it and I live in Cumberland, kind you I also visited Mercy Brown's gravesite right after which was nothing compared to The Ladd School. I do not know if I could go back, I want to, I need to know what's left. The graves of the children, have they been disturbed which I feel they have. I'm shocked more shows haven't visited this property, its extremely live and I'm not someone who summons spirits or speaks with the deceased, I just know what I felt. I know what I still feel and I know I will be on google all night....