146 Comments Posted by Sian

F.E.A.R the song Jmack???
Lynne you make me laugh!
Woah, easy up there!!!

Firstly, where is the insult? I am a humourous person, I like to have a laugh!!!!
Secondly, theft is not acceptable, no matter what the reason! Especially not for personal gain and I am not the only one that thinks this!!! And that is the end of that.
JLP, what is it with you? You wanna be a glorified thief!!! Its not yours to take!!!

As for a conversation piece...I can see it with the in-laws now:
"This is the phone I stole from a hotel, and you see that light fixture, I robbed that too!"

Go buy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get lights real similar to those in Ikea....my friend has one in her hallway. It cost her £14!
Whats the point of robbing stuff from abandoned places? Are you that desperate to own stuff that you would scavenge it? Its pathetic! Does anybody have any morals??? Anyone...???
JLP - maybe you could go find yours with your GPS....
Unidyne....I do hope you are not serious....

Thanks for the link rubber johnny...you may now come and clean up the mess I just left on the floor!
That is beautiful, breath-taking and eerie all at once.
Was the hole due to erosion or was it man made???
Oh my! This place must have been spectacular when it was up and running!
oooh, Blair Witch eat your heart out!!