34 Comments Posted by Rickman

If you found them in the dentist room, than perhaps its Novacane?
uhhhhh Lynne, I hope you check back from time to time, cause I have another question for you...Do they still use these? I remember when I was 12, they brought me back from surgery in one of those. No lid this time!
Wow! bottles from the mid 70's to early 80's.
Okay this is for Lynne, (our in house expert) Were children with Downs Syndrome placed in facilities like this?

You would think perhaps a third- world country could use a crib like that.. Clean it up, and find some one to ship it ( perhaps for free)
Hey Lynne, I saw a show on the Discovery channel about a house being renovated and under the basement floor they found (24?) infant skeletal (sp?) remains, some w/ out the skull. After research of the land, they found it use to house a poor house and being sent there was basically a death sentence in its own. Anyway, they found out that some of the bodies were stolen by medical students because in the 1700's the students were responsible to find their own cadaver (sp?) to study. (the present day research team found the cut marks on the neck bones to be done with surgical precision) So I am all for donation of cadavers to science, at least we don't have to worry about uncle leo being snatched from his grave by med students.
Tell me Motts, you are up to date on your Tetnus (sp?) shot?
I got the "lid" as well
Move over Katie, I'll join you!
HA! you took the word right out of my mouth Motts!
We sat in chairs like that at my Infant school!
Guess that explains the 10 body capacity
How deep is it? Did it not have a shallow end?
Can you say EBAY!?
Just kidding guys, BUT I did see an Iron Lung on there once
To Lynne:

Kinda like Forrest Gump
Wouldn't want a hand mangled in that