108 Comments Posted by Renee

This photo is amazing I am speechless
Sketch, Thank you for that translation that was so funny
I am so fascinated with building # 93
does any one know how many buildings are standing now? And are there any hidding that you cant see from the main road
This is such a cool shot I love it.
I still don't understand when they closed these buildings why were they in such a hurry to get out of there that they didn't take anything out of there
Does any one else think that there is more to the story about the place being shut down I mean usually when a place is shut down you get everyhting out of the buildings why did everyone leave in such a hurry kind of makes you think that they were trying to hide something
I was there last year on new years eve so 2005-2006 and there was a guy and a lady pacing up and down one sidewalk back and forth back and forth and the guy was hugging a teddy bear with such a grip on the bear it was really freaky i was going to take a picture but i was afraid if he saw the flash he would come after me. He was right by the fire department.
I have always been fascinated in the unknown since I was a little child and I want so bad to just go into a building.
Yeah I noticed that as well walking through the park there isnt any barbed wire thats probably because they had the people so drugged out that they couldnt even attempt to leave
I agree it makes you feel dizzy looking up at it . This place is just full of all kinds of wonders and mysterious beings
Do you think that these windows were brolen from the patients or do you think that they were broken by kids being stupid?
I dont know if any one watches Ghost Hunters on the SCIFI channel but this would be such an awesome place for them to investigate.
Doesnt it look like the metal door is somewhat opened?
Really isnt all that scary there, and in the daylight especially the only thing scary about it would be the thought of the cops catching you.

Quick question for anyone who knows (for SURE) is the morgue located in the childrens building or in this main building?