49 Comments Posted by Rat

It looks like the chairs are in the process of cooperating to see if they can lift somebody up high enough to make a break for it through the vent!
I love the way the whole thing draws the eye upward--the point of the roof, the window, and the treatment above the window. The whole pic is like a big arrow.
That thing looks like it might just jump out and eat you if you get too close! Kind of reminds me of Stephen King's "The Mangler's" little brother.
Are those suitcases on top of the dresser, or chair cushions?
Kind of like Thomas Kinkade of the Damned. :)

Great shot!
Oh, you just *know* there's something evil and alien behind that door! :)

Reminds me of Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers."
I'll bet that when the place was still in use, there were cushions on those benches.
Check it out--it's the Ent Olympics! :)
Cool the way the trees grew on either side of the entrance--they look like a natural arch for the athletes to walk through on their way out to the field.
Add me as another vote for a calendar!
If that last one was Shoggoth's playroom, this one must be Cthulhu's. That green thing *does* kind of resemble him if you tilt your head and squint...
It kinda looks like some kind of large monster is about to pull itself up over a ledge (with the dark tops of the banisters as its claws).
Puts me in the mind of a roomful of dead insects.
That geri-chair looks strange indeed...almost more hyper-real than the rest of the shot, like it was Photoshopped in. The fact that it wasn't makes it all the more eerie.
Why does it say "Kid" on the fireplace? Just grafitti?