2 Comments Posted by Pilgrimite

oops... just realized thats not the rehab! Oh well.. I guess thiese are abandoned areas? the buildings are all similar, hard to tell the difference in b&w
It is not how it appears. There are patients living there that think of this as there home, and they do not want to leave.
The smaller building in front is the rehab, its a pretty nice building, has a pool, theatre, bowling alley and more. Patients with privledges can go there. The average length of stay is 2 years, but patients stay tend to be 5 months, although many have been there a few decades.
There is some mistreatment, mostly from the way the place is administered. The patients are treated as children, punished if caught smoking, food choices made for them. There is staff there that is wonderful caring and kind. But trust me, Pilgrim is not anything like it appears. By the way, its weird inside, each wing is a mirror image of another, and each side is a mirror image, and each floor the same. There are these thick glass brick windows that distort the outside world and courtyards on both sides. Look at this building on google earth, its really odd.