42 Comments Posted by Pete

Yes they had I believe 8 lanes at Kirkbride Hall
The beauty is that most of our stuff is reeeeally old and we have so many old trains, buildings, cars etc that show the effect of time in great detail. Things rust so fast here you can almost feel the change in your pocket start to decay ; )

or... Will the person with the Green Ford Taurus, registration plate.... please move your vehicle.
It looks like a scene out of Half Life 2.
The day we get screens this good into computer games will be a great day. You just need that spooky creaking metal sound in the background to really set the scene...
Is everyone forgetting the true picture here. I love the fact that it looks like a crude hand painting that had no specific design other than letting a 'so called' artist go around and paint something scary without any thought of consequences of what was being displayed or who sees it.
Great capture Motts
It looks like my old school locker room !!

Can you imagine looking at that shot when it had real people pearing through the slots !!!
I love the total lack of imaginitive detail in the design of the entrance. I makes you feel small looking at it and would feel very intimidating as you approached it. They should have added a 'welcome' matt to make it more homely !!!

Great site Motts
Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice...
Hey Motts, I live in Northampton England and we also have an old abandoned Mental Institution called St Andrews that was opened in 1838. Wouldn't it be great if you took some photos of that one to compare against this one...
I want to know who you had watching your back when taking these beautiful photos as I would have been s**t scared that the remnants of an old resident might still be present !!!
It has a great sense of depth that pulls you into the photo, although I wouldn't fancy my chances walking down there !!!
My guess is so that the patients couldn't climb...and hang themselves (?)