10 Comments Posted by NoName

There's a bit of dirt smudged on my computer screen. For a second, I thought the dirt smudge was a ghost face in the dark doorway.
Cute little tree.
FlaGator and JackieB: Nope. They didn't raze it. I live about half an hour away from this place and they turned it into an arts facility in all of the cell blocks.
That blue and wood chair looks like some of the ones we had in the lounge area of my dorm floor my first year of college.
Mollie, that purple tube does look too modern and out-of-place. So does the rubber band right next to it. Maybe someone else exploring the building in the last few years left them there...
Flat Stanley... I remember reading the first book in like first or second grade.
Poor birdy...
Looks like the first line of writing is something about intensive therapy...
i was in the center lastnight and there were very loud nosies coming from a room tht was locked we tried to open the door but it was stuck shut if any one eles herd the noise be4 please comment
i got laid in this greenhouse in Oct!