182 Comments for Pratt Greenhouse

Amazing photos !
I would like to know if you had to ask for promission to go to the Pratt Greenhouse. I live close to this area and would like to know if I could go or would I have to get promission from someone.
Please me email with the answer to my question.
Thank you
Feed Me Seymour!! Feed ME!!
This reminds me of Eraser Head. Girl in the radiator.
Yes, this is true! Is a very good insulation, just want to limit your exposure to it.
it's very dangerous to revome asbestos. don't revome the pipe and don't tear the insulation (it's there so that in the winter, the pipe will not crack). the best thing to do, which all home inspectors advise these days, is to COVER the asbestos. you can call your local hardware store to find out what additional insulation you can use to cover that because then you have even more insulation. i remember when the asbestos problems were first discovered. many old frame houses are sided with asbestos, which actually is the best insulator for frame structures. more people were put at health risk by removing the siding rather than just siding over it. what you do not want to have is HANGING, UNCOVERED asbestos. talk to a home inspector about that.
mission acomplished
Stop dissing radiators we use them and they work damn fine!
ive been to this greenhouse, or at least the outer part of it because it is fenced off to prevent people from going in and being hurt by any falling glass.....i did however notice on numerous occasions (as ive been to this areamany times before) that in that fence.....is a hole.....and ive always wondered if that hole was mad by you
Ya know, Mr. Motts, although ALL your pictures are well done, this has got to be one of my favorites-it reminds me of the beautiful woods that I used to go walking through as a kid. Every time I look at it, I feel at peace...I love the way the sunlight filters gently through the trees and the soft contrast of shade and light. This green house looks so enchanting, like a fantasy: I can picture myself dancing in the middle, in a white summer dress, twirling around and around... your pictures truly speak volumes and evoke certain emotions-the sign of a true artist! : )
So pretty! : )
One more thing-I remember my dad calling it a "root cellar".
This is cool! I remember an old vegetable cellar in the woods near my house when I was a kid. It was a cement structure, half-way into the ground with a flat-top. It was where they kept the vegetables cool during the summer in the old days.
I'll be planting my garden soon.
Too bad the courtyard is so overgrown-it would have been a nice place for a picnic.
This is beautiful!