3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

I'm not sure who they were - they sounded like a team of people talking a fair amount (as opposed to people trashing stuff), so I assumed they were workers of some kind and did my best to avoid them.
Ann - the chances of finding your family's records laying around in an abandoned hospital are extremely slim. Since both hospitals are in Massachusetts, you may have some luck at the state archives:

Massachusetts State Archives
220 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125
Telephone: (617) 727-2816
I think it's a piece of roofing that has lifted off from heavy winds.
Sunlight from skylights I believe.
Tripod works better :-)
I think they are purely ornamental; not sure what this style of architecture is.
Yup, no natural light in this area.
Thanks - my shoots are always so dated because of the time I like to put into each photo and location.
nick - nope, it was that cool basement temperature that doesn't change that much

BKW - I would say the pit goes two stories down.
I believe it was more of a general hospital.
Yes the whole hospital was pretty stable - lots of metal and concrete in the construction / retrofit.
Tubing, probably for a sink (hot and cold)
From what I understand, Nazism is taken very seriously in Germany, unlike in the USA where kids often group it with anarchism, satanism, etc. to represent rebellion.

I have only seen one location in Germany with Neo-Nazi graffiti so far, and it was very "adult;" no pictures or colors, just messages of hate in black spray paint. It gave the place a pretty creepy vibe.
Somewhere on the top (3rd?) floor of the main medical building. I would be surprised if they were still there.
I always thought it was because they were the draftiest places, but not sure!