3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Yeah, they look like nurses stations, positioned to keep watch over the wards.
A rotting meat smell.
Well, it wasn't a state institution, who are more adverse to throwing all their garbage out the window or letting it rot inside because they'd wind up being the ones with the cleanup bill.

Also, it's not a well known place and hasn't been looted and trashed by many people - another reason to keep the real names of these places under the radar.
No, I wish I got paid to photograph abandoned buildings!
Thank you for the detailed descriptions, it's difficult to imagine what life was really like inside these empty rooms.
It was on the top floor of the building... either they followed the angle of the roof or the space was used for pipes, supports, etc.
Interesting... there aren't any handles on the inside of a morgue door, although I doubt anyone actually got locked in a freezer.

So the moral is, if you're in an abandoned morgue, alone, and decide to somehow push the tray inside with you laying in it, leave at least one door open.
A place to live takes priority before it's aesthetics.
Gotta be quick ; )

Thanks for the offer though!
Yeah that was really weird. I wish I had moved them out of the shot!
Quite a few large abandoned state hospitals are still partially active, although they have been downsized greatly, and there are numerous smaller ones that still exist.

The New York State archives report that in 1986, NYS had 33 mental health facilities: 23 psychiatric centers for adults; 6 psychiatric centers for children; 2 forensic psychiatric centers, and 2 research facilities.
Well the other side was labeled "solution", and sitting outside for all these years, it probably accumulated some condensation inside the jar.

Either it's rust from the bottom of the cap or diluted blood, and I'd bet it's the latter of the two.
Someone probably forgot to shut off the line, and since the windows and doors are boarded or cemented over, no one knows about it. A few extra lights on aren't gonna run up the electric bill for a decent sized hospital enough to notice either.

I'm just surprised the place hasn't caught fire yet.
E-mail me: motts at opacity.us