3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

They had the local kids paint murals on the boards over the windows, most likely to lessen the "scary" aura of an abandoned psychiatric hospital.
Also, check out these pages for information on "The Village at Hospital Hill"

(thanks Ply!)
I think they are easier to clean beacuse things don't get stuck in the otherwise sharp corner of the wall and floor. These seem to be common in washdown and seclusion rooms.
There is plastic over the bottom windows. There are portions of the building that look like some form of abatement or construction has happened, or it could've been to diffuse light for one of the movies that was filmed inside.
Different hospital - http://www.opacity.us/site50.htm
I really don't know... someone with a better medical equipment background could answer that question better than me...
Chris, thank you, I almost always use the natural colors of the environment - post manipulations are usually brightness and contrast adjustments.
Quest, there were no street lights lit, but rather the landscape is being illuminated by the full moon, which is bright enough to light everything up without taking ridiculously long exposures. These averaged around 8-20 minutes long.
Yes, his about page has a lot of information you might find interesting, AutumnTwin.
I really can't remember... it might have been a porch.
Thanks for the correction!
Yeah, exploring abandoned hospitals needs to be on the first date requirements for me hah
Mariposa, no there weren't any signs. According to the Kirkbride plan, the most violent patients were kept in the outermost wings, farthest away from administration and visitors. Also, the entrance to this ward was covered in heavy grating unlike the others (see previous photo), and the construction of the rooms and doors was more reinforced and secure than in the other wings of the hospital. This led to my assumption of it being a violent ward, but I still could be wrong since I've never seen the place in use.
Grace, this is what I know of so far... http://www.opacity.us/image3112.htm#comment_8773
~Me does need a short leash...