3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Since the news will be gone in a while on my front page - You can make a tax deductible donation to the Danvers Preservation Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 2088, Danvers, MA 01923 to help save the Kirkbride building. Any questions regarding the preservation effort can be directed to Wayne Eisenhauer, Clerk (DanversPresFund@aol.com).

About what is real in Session 9; the morgue is a set, the plastic suits in the steam tunnel were placed there, and I think some of the "art therapy" on the walls was put there (although there are other patient rooms with actual pictures pasted on the walls). Other than that, I think everything else is pretty much there.
I would never take another dude's beer away... that's just wrong!
The buildings around the Kirkbride are being abated and demolished, and as far as I know the main building is slated for demolition, but there has been talk of patching up the roof for possible re-use.

MassDevelopment seems to be in charge of the demolition: http://massdevelopment.com/search/search.aspx?query=northampton
I think that's the top of it at the bottom of the photo.
Yep these hallways are very wide...

This place has it's fair share of vandalisim, but it's not too bad (yet).
Agh, thanks Lynne!
I believe current plans are to renovate it into a hotel.
I think in 2000 or 2001...
Yeah I didn't think this photo would come out too good but was surprised... yep that's the moon up top.
Taking a photograph at night lets you have the shutter open for minutes at a time.... since the earth is spinning around on it's axis, the stars appear to streak as they change position in the sky over that span of time. And since the rest of the world is down here with the camera and tripod, everything else looks sharp!
fashionpage88, nah I got as close as I could within focusing distance and used a low F-stop to get the narrow depth of field.
Underneath them are the tunnels connecting all the buildings together, and they provide some wheelchair access across the campus.

Sinister1, no many of the doors were left open.
That would be a reference to me.
Betsy, Eden's room was just a name I made up for this little room.

About the paranormal thing... it looks like a reflection of the facade behind me. The colors and windows match up with where I am, and the bright white spot in the upper right looks like one of the curved attic windows glaring off the sun. Here's a closeup of the window...

sorry it took me so long to get to this.
Hah wow I butchered that word... thanks it's fixed now!