11 Comments Posted by MorbidCuriosity

I'm With Kilt7:
Very good point!
amazing that it fits both descriptions, hmm?
It's sad, because as a kid i really would have loved to have such a gorgeous structure.
I always wanted the old abandoned Victorian style house down the road, while all the other kids were admiring the newest columned buildings..
Wow,. Beautiful pictures!
No idea.
But Jo is right, it looks EXACTLY like Jodi.
Whatever it says, someone took a damn long time to make it say that,.
Good one Kolfritz:D
It's amazing to wonder what went through these patients' minds...if the scratches are indeed from patients, they may have been relieving their fear or anxiety, or as mentioned above, hoping that someday someone might go there and remember them..
Whoa. Yes. Very reminding of Silent Hill. Which is an insult to this grand old building, but still. Eerie.
Wow, there's so much littering the floor..
Craft looking things, notes, bubble wrap?
Great job Motts; keep up the great photography!
Wayy up there on the comment board, Motts, Lynne, and Judderman were discussing how it seems kind of disrespectful to read about a stage so horrible in a person's life, but i personally think that if they are no longer with us, and they are from a long time ago, i would read them to see how they were being treated/the conditions they were in/what was happening. I think, although i'm probably looked down upon for saying this, i would go through it for the sake of knowing how that time was, not to gain information about them, but for information about the conditions.
hmm.., did you get a chance to check for labels?
it made me want to know what those containers held..
Wow,. The paint does make it look like there was someone violent locked in that room. Very eerie.
The hole is hard to concentrate on with all of the other things going on in this photograph.