203 Comments Posted by MomPink

In every case, these massive hospitals started out with a certain capacity, then exceeded it, which led to overcrowding and poor care. What happened to all those people? Why did so many have to be hospitalized? And where are they now?????
I get so lost in these photos, it's a mild shock to come to the last picture (sigh) and realize I haven't left home. Much as I'd like to see these places with my own eyes, I suspect they'd be less impressive. So thanks for the great gallery and for your eyes as well. Oh, waiter, would you bring me another espresso please?
With halls this long, I don't know why they needed an exercise yard. Uh, I'll be in the dining car...
Just think how many feet have passed over those stones...Awesome shot -- I've just put another noseprint on my monitor.
The buildings look gorgeous restored, but these buildings with the faded patches are still beautiful. What did it look like in the arcade? Could you get in?
What an attractive street -- and of course, a beautiful building. I'd really enjoy working in a building like this.
Hm. Abandoned spiders' webs in an abandoned window in an abandoned building. I've always thought buildings "knew" when they were abandoned. Guess the spiders gave up and moved out, too.
How puzzling. They cut the door down to make it that small -- uh, maybe this was the Hobbit ward?
It's just amazing how old this building is, and yet it's in such excellent condition. Are those your footprints in the dust, Motts?
It's a lovely shade of blue and the window is lovely even with the bars. But no TV, no cell phone, no computer... If I were a patient here, I'd want to spend as much time as possible in that exercise yard with the beautiful green gate.
There's a third window open way down there -- I'll get that one. It just occurred to me that this building has radiators for heat, but it doesn't look like they had air conditioning. Bars on the windows, but no screens. Bet it was hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
It gives me a kind of Alice-in-Wonderland feeling. What's on the other side of all those intriguing doors with no knobs? Is that a hole in the door on the left? The hallway itself is spacious and airy in the daytime, but those tiny light fixtures wouldn't put out much light after dark. That ceiling looks freshly painted, which only adds to the quality of the picture.
Oooooooh! Me too, bobo.
What are those two cement walls there, on either side of the steps? I love how the streaks run down. It almost looks like a waterfall. Would there be room in there for a small patio table and chairs?
I can't think of anything to add to what you all have said. Just beautiful. I'd love to have this fence around my yard. I'd have to repaint the house, though. and get green shutters.