203 Comments Posted by MomPink

Okay, guys, I'm right behind you. Don't trample me on the way down. Ulp! Are those walls getting closer together?
Billious green, outrageous orange -- and now here's the Pepto Bismol pink. This place has it all. Just wondering how many inmates were cured and released from here?
That beautiful window and the graceful arches! The idiot who approved that orange should be locked in here.
Amazing contrast between the peeling paint and the shiny tile. I can't imagine having to spend any time in this room. Almost a bad as Pepto Bismol pink. Burp. 'Scuse me...
Exactly what I'm thinking, Lucie. To someone in a fragile mental state, I think this would bring on a relapse. Was there perhaps a colony of hippies living here at one time?
It almost looks like something you'd see in New Orleans (well, at least, before hurricane katrina)...
Whew! At first glance, I thought it had a medical use and shuddered to think what evil torture was inflicted on some poor hapless loony.
Rifiuti Infetti... Radioactive confetti? I have no clue, but I think I'd give those 'danger cups' a wide berth.
The architecture is lovely, but I think it must have been very stark without those plants above the windows. I wonder what kind of plants those are. The ones on the floor almost look ferocious the way they're massed over the floor.
This is beautiful. I love how the plants are spilling through the doorway. It must have been incredible before it was abandoned.
Mossy Grotto: Perfect description -- and beautiful, too.
Even though it's still in use, it looks abandoned. I'd find it hard to go to church there.
Very creepy.
Good grief! What a depressing room!
Yeah, I like the floor tile too.