34 Comments Posted by Missunderstood

Can You Say CREEPY?
MOTTS THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I wish a had a ounce of your talent!!!!!!!!!
lynne, i applaud you. Everyone has different views but being aware is the difference. In the early 70's they stopped sterilization of mentally ill patients- my mother had us- she is and always will be bi-polar and schi.with knowing the genetic factor now- my whole family has one or another illness- then the family had children( except me) the children show signs of illness. Mental illness has two disturbing factor -poor impulse control and high sex drive- I get scared- it's knowing there is no CURE to mental illness and meds do not always work- that keeps me from passing my gene to the next- my mother in her delusional state has beat me into another world has tried to commit sucide over and over and still to this day I do not know who she really is- I think people forget that this happens- I wish people would visit a group called nami ( for the families) and see the horror of it- these places mr motts takes such beautiful pics of saved I am sorry that I have gone off the dep end but people do not know how it feels to be in a full circle of mental illness where often you see the new system not work and pray for the old one back........
love the pic- yes a cage - has any one thought maybe not all clients like to be with others????I know about the rooms for patients that had issue with others
thanks motts for the comments- the mesh protects ALL - unfortunetly people don't understand that a mentally ill patient does not have to be a criminal to be violent- work on a ward- the nicest client (whatever illness) when upset can be 10 times stonger then normal-
I have witnessed a "women" knock down the hosp. sec. , 2 state troopers, the er staff and doc out of her way when they told her she couldn't smoke a cig. ( knowing that she was going to take off)
lynne, unbelievable stuff - it is just beautiful
oh I am sorry- great job motts how did you get the pic that way
there is a research bldg-
but for torture I know many nurses and docs- that now work in other facilities and the only thing they will tell you that the patients seemed even then to have a lot of room to move- and if you lived in Norwich and road the city bus , you will remember a lot of them ( one in mind) that just use to ride the bus all day after they "escaped" that was why norwich city and that area was fun when I was young- the intresting people you meet!!!!!
i know I have said it before like a old maid- but be careful- the salmon bldg is in bad shape- if you look on the side you will see the brick is collapsed- please take a friend- and truely I would be more afraid of getting lost in the tunnels not of the boogies_ i do have to admit the kettle bldg gives me the creeps
they ( the st) are supposed to remove the fire place before destroying the bldgs- this is real marble- the doors on the admin bldg and windows were very expensive also- they did use it-----
yep the nsh has a way to jump at you- the marble is real (people have chipped ALOT of it) the place including the massisve fireplace are real- the attention they put in to this place- i wonder they said they were going to remove the fireplace- I haven't been there lately but does anyone know?
the nsh was a complete campus- seriously it was just like wierd little town inside a town. They had everything on the campus including care for children- female and male nurse bldgs. multiple dining areas - I can't believe all the bldgs that are on one campus-
hey motts- did you get to see the cribs and old style baby carriages???
vandals come and go- i worked there and lived there when I was young- i love it there it is peaceful( with exception of kettle bldg) during the time we used to comment that the vandals would not tear up the chapel but sure enough I chased kids away and found stupid stuff written on the walls- I was upset- that was the only place that hadn't been terrorized by vandals--
the bldgs are so enormous, makes you feel that they will always be there- but...