34 Comments Posted by Missunderstood

ok - I keep going back to look at the pic and I keep changing my mind- please someone tell me -
are the floors bending up ?
makes you wonder how many different colors of paint are on the doors--
gotta love your pics it is depressing but I agree that if you or your family was so out of it -getting put in may be the only way- trust me - my family have all been punched kicked and thrown down stairs- after my mom was released. Due to genetics- I am my mother -but I love meds- and scary enough I look at these pictures and believe it is peaceful-
I love this site, mr. motts but what is this person that now I have read this disgusting comments that have nothing to do with your talent or your skill to narrate???
yes even in a new facility the colors are of the time- meaning that what "now" says the most calm colors are- like blue...even in the military the training areas for soldiers have been painted a light blue- imagine that
there are no many places for mentally ill patients- even the brief care treatments are being threatned to be shut down- amazing enough there is no public out cry for all who go untreated and left to harm themselves do to the law in us that if you are not a threat to the others or yourself you do not need help. One cop told me as my mom was delusional and not on her meds- that crazy isn't against any law- I do feel that these places were not great but much better then what we have now i.e nothing
Definitely good advice is bring a friend or bat to explore - I did sec. at one of the site and I can't tell you how many drug addicts I had to get out the bldgs with the police- that was usually the worst- there were always needles..
and I never got the idea of why get high at a spooky place..but it's abandoned they go there
Now usually i am not afraid of the dark but that pic makes me want to scream "RUNNNNNNNNNN!!!"
Kinda reminds me of one of the bldg at NSH- I think the area was an dining room
Gotta agree -that is freakin'odd
Putting the two together is unbelievable!!!!!
I have to say the pic is romanticly creepy
the lighting is perfect on this pic- the bldg looks overbearing
You know most people think that Wal-mart is the big fish or strip mall people want to tear asylums down- but it's the condo dev. that want it- look at danvers-just think the reason why the state hosp.are there is because people believed it would be theraputic- looking over water , large green acres of unbelievable landscaping> it wasn't until I had a little more education that I realized the push to demolish these areas. C R A Z Y isn't it?