65 Comments Posted by Meghan

Im like totally wow'ed by these picture...i love it all..its so amazing!!!!!!!! me n my fiend might go there and walk around outside...ppl say it changes your point of veiw on life...and this is the most amazing thing i ever could see it just brightens me and yet it sucks for the ppl who were done things to and said no..i wish i knew more of wat happened to the people in there!!
yeah hi i. im very intrested in byberry but i was wondering...why is there a lab? to you it may seem like a dumb childish question...but to me it seems like the lab represents how the mentally ill were considered "not human" and just lab rats?.....idk please answer back
Great pic! I was also there! If u can see.. There is a head in the upper right hand corner. Then a HUGE orb right in the top middle!! I can tell what it is because I did a project on this
I love this pic! I took the same one and actually went down onto the place and the door slammed opened!! Freaky!!
The picture is of a Power plant and was also a laundry facility. But if you go back behind the building next to the power plant... Then you would be able to see the incinerator. I was just there yesterday ( 11-27-05) and have been there ALOT!! The other building type thing is way to tall to be the incinerator. But the other buildin was just perfect and there was also ashes everywhere and a shoot type thing to throw the body down!