YEah autoguy, and I have a feeling showering was NOT one of their priorities with so many people for the staff to care for. Ewww...can you imagine sitting next to someone with B.O. that would make your eyes water? How about B.O. so bad that a skunk wouldn't sit next to the person? LOL!
Isn't it sad that people have to die and suffer (as in war-time) to advance science and medicine? I suppose that in everything we do as a people there has to be some sacrifice, but when you think of it in terms of real people who were living and had family and friends, makes it a lot more depressing. I would think that some of the people who had died as we figured out how to treat burns better and treat closed head wounds better and how to treat infections way back when better would think of it as they were doing their part in helping their fellow man. That makes it a little brighter, but not much. Thanks for posting that old Lpn.
You can't be THAT old...can you? My grandma will be 90 next March...THAT is old. :)
Poor autoguy...well, maybe that means something BIGGER is coming along for you soon!! Maybe you will be cast as a HEAD Zombie (get it...HEAD...brains...okay BAD pun)...
:D I can just see a zombie dragging a fresh kill down this corridor..*eeeehhhhhh...brraiiiiinnns at lassstttt" lol.
Derr....autoguy? If that looks like your bathroom floor, I would say that you are in desperate need of a...maid perhaps...or a bathroom remodling company?
HI BKW!!! I am around, just enjoying another Motts' Gallery. :)
OK that peeling paint on that front door looks like a giant RAT sitting up on its hindquarters...Eechh. I think I saw this building in my dream the other night Mr. WAS on fire though. Weird. I have Motts on the brain lol!
>.> Now why didn't I see THAT one coming Autoguy lol.
You are right though. If a building is kept shut up tight against the elements, then decay will take a LOT longer to take hold...but then again, it wouldn't be ABANDONED if someone is taking the care and the time to make sure all the weather outside stays there now would it? :) JUST SAYIN'. :D
WELCOME BACK AUTOGUY! We missed you and were wondering where you've been! :)
I can almost hear my one friend saying what you typed. He is sort of effeminate if you know what I mean, but he is a great interior decorator!! He can turn drab into fab in a heartbeat, honey. :D
I agree Ferdy! That movie actrually was exactly the one I was thinking about! Not too many "scary" movies actually scare me or creep me out, but I think "The Fly" movies and a couple others DID make me want to hide under the bed...and made me feel all creepy and scared as I watched them. *Shivers*