36 Comments Posted by Liz

Been to Glendale a couple of times luckly never got cought by the "rent a cops" really cool place to go. When i went i heard the usally screaming coming from who knows where , but one thing that really kinda creeped me out was we where leaving the adult building it was me and about 3 other people we where walking in a line going through the hall ways i was the last one in the line and i sware to god i felt someone or somthing put there hand on the back of my head i just took a deep breath and pretended that it didnt happened and left
I just visited this place. There are cops who patrol it but you can walk around outside of it fairly easily. This place is beyond creepy though. Has anyone seen the wild dogs that live there?
hahahah Tommeh
I'm only 13. I wonder if there are younger viewers than me? I found this site today after viewing Celebrity Paranormal Project episode 2. The team went to a place called "Warson Asylum" which I found out was actually Norwich State Hospital.
It seems strange to me that a place like this was in use only about 25 years ago.
Hey I have to jibe with you all, this does appear to be a stellar place, I suppose that they should consider fixing it. Does anyone seem to have any sort of pictures from the interior part? You can e-mail me at escarizlissette@yahoo.com

Myriad of thanks to you all
lol, but ah... isn't it Clarice? :D
well... add another listing on my favorites drop down menu. :) your work is amazing. I am now headed to see every thing I can here.
I am totally seeing the lack of shadows under the tub. o.O holy crap. lol. Motts, have you ever ran into anything haunted or freaky in the old state hospitals?
I love this photo, the crumbling paint actually kinda looks like someone was scractching to get out.
i went inside this place too!
I would like to see a pic of me laying in that. Like I had been in it for years. Maybe be made up to look long gone. ;)
Time to take her down to the morgue for a few shots.
Oh my God!! this picture is great!!