36 Comments Posted by Lee

looks like something out of silent hill
Your photography is brilliant. I recently found another site that had a bunch of exterior pictures of this place which did this beatiful kirkbride building no justice at all. Their photos almost made the building appear like a low class dump. I am able to appreciate the artistic vision and detail of your photos more than I already did after finding that other website.

p.s there are many scans of old beautiful postcards of this place on the official worcester MA website - if anyone wants to go look at them.
Night of the living dead.....
Does anyone know what the strange light is in the right side doorway? It looks odd and unlike a "normal" reflection...
The Devil's Tonsils.
Looks like the execution room in Flensburg Prison.
Like an Egyptian tomb.
Reminds me of early post war Prague.
Sadly, this reminds me of a female suicide that's been hanging for a long time.
Robert Ballard should come here. He can't walk around on the TITANIC but this would be just as good.
Great picture. Reminds me of the deck of the TITANIC.
There is a type in use now that looks like a hospital bed. The body lays on a tray like the one on the guerney pictured above, but a hollow "mattress" covers the body. You could be in the lift beside this "bed" and never know it contained a deceased patient.
I've worked as a Funeral Director for 15 years. This style of mortuary refrigeration is a real pain to transfer a body from. The low door is fine, the next two are hard to lift from when placing the body on a stretcher. I pity the backs that lifted the body up on to the top compartment tray. Sometimes a lifting device was used to lift the tray up to the compartment so the tray could be slid in, but more often than not is was a back breaking lift. I don't miss these at all. They didn't keep the bodies very cold either. The seals around the doors were ineffective and the only insulation inside the walls was sawdust.
It's actually a Grecian Urn Casket with a full couch lid.
Damn kids