303 Comments Posted by LPN

Sorry to double post. It is very important to document exactly what was done with personal effects. There have been lawsuits over lost dentures in the past. Mostly about maintaining usual appearance of the deceased at the funeral service.
Most hospital policies for post mortem care require that patients existing wrist band, This tag is stamped with the patients charge plate, one on the toe, one on the outside of the shroud. Often times these tags are also applied to dentures, eye glasses, or hearing aids and enclosed in the shroud with the deceased. This is handled according to the families choice. Some families take these items to the mortuary. Some just want them sent along with the deceased.
Ahh, quiet time and a new gallery. Thank You, Mr Mott's!
A safe way for the staff to clean up congealed blood, secretions, human waste. Not anything more than a living person would "flush".
I think the disposal is there to take care of any final secretions/stool the patient may have had after death. It would make sense that the mortuary team had a safe way to dispose of waste in a safe hygienic manner that protects the staff. I seriously doubt any human tissue other than waste was flushed down the drain.
Mr. Mott's, Thank You very much!
A very rare glimpse of intact, early 20th century engineering. Thank You!
This place would be the trifecta for copper thieves. Nice Gallery Mr. Motts, Thank You!
Sorry to doublepost and use bandwith. I had secretly hoped Mr. Motts might have some bennet images on a thumbdrive similar to the Pilgrim gallery up now. One can always hope and respectfully request.
Yes Wanderer I did notice the new info about the trending galleries here. I think it is wonderful that Halcyon still commands "modern headlines". A lot of people follow the old hotel/school. Very flattering that new generations are exposed to the unique beauty of Halcyon..
Good eye Mica! I failed to notice the reflections in the vintage picture until you pointed them out. Thanks
Mr. Motts thanks for explaining the "prisms of color". I have so many "favorite" pictures You have taken over the years. Thanks again.
I agree Beth. Lonely chairs have a very special place in the hearts of fans of Mr. Mott's photography.
Yay, another new Gallery! Thanks Motts! The prism of colors is very nice. What causes this, was it cold?
Wanderer thanks for the update on "PRW". I do hope he posts again.