32 Comments Posted by Kattoo

Where's Geraldo when you need him.
Has a very Gothic feel to it. Very nice.
The brick was painted. The paint has come off and shown the red brick underneath in places. Makes for very colorful shot.
The green cracked paint reminds me of an easter egg shell. Great pic.
I think it would have been better if she was barefoot in these shots, but I'm sure it would be difficult to get anyone to walk in there with no shoes on lol. Very pretty work.
I need to stop reading the comments. I love the photography and history on this site, which is what it 's supposed to be all about, isn't it?
Belittling strangers due to their personal beliefs/ interests is 'not cool'. We all have our own opinions, but aren't we all here to pay respects to this wonderfully talented photographer? He is taking us on historical adventures most of us would never have a chance to partake in ourselves. Thank you, Motts.
No one knows what happened unless they were there to witness it in person. You can't blame people for being curious after they are force-fed stories about abuse and neglect in such institutions by the media.
Unfortunately there is a mentality amongst those that work in health care that if a resident's behavior is annoying to them then it must be to the other residents as well and must be silenced--even a simple whimper repeated 20 times. The majority of the time those drugs are used for the purpose of keeping residents quiet. It's selfish and sadly still common today. Walk down a hallway in any nursing home and you will see residents lined up in their wheelchairs, leaning over, drooling and obviously drugged to the gills.
Alice in Wonderland...
Makes me think of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
This definitely needs to be wallpaper. Perfection.
This shot is gorgeous.
For some reason narrow doors and doorways were common in that era. You can see them in many historic upstate NY buildings.