32 Comments Posted by Kattoo

Another awesome gallery, Mr. Motts. Thanks!
@autoguy: I know of a woman who spent 20+ years at Willard simply for having Cerebral Palsy. It's scary to think of all the ppl that were committed to such places for so long and so little.
I think ppl are forgetting there are varying degrees of insanity. These well-dressed men were obviously not as bad off mentally as the 'typical' patient.
These shots are good promotion of the 'nicer' side of asylums.
I have a hard time accepting that this was a patient cell with that dangling light fixture in it. Hmmm...
@ Norway: There is way more debris on the sides right next to the walls. The critters (zombies!) took the easiest route. lol.
Look how well dressed they were. Not very realistic was it.

The two side windows maybe were blocked due to being broken and it was easier/ cheaper to block them than repair?
Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious the 'before' shot was posed. I can just imagine them getting their 'best' patients to sit for these old shots. Makes me a bit sad for some reason.
Motts' shot is better. IJS. =]
The before pics leave me with the feeling they were 'posed' for the benefit of positive publicity. Everything and everyone is too tidy and well-behaved. Definitely not realistic.
Great shot.
Lol Larry, You are just warming up for a part in the next Grumpier Old Men sequel.
Looks like a tranny.
Beautiful shot.
Makes me wonder how many ppl died from heat exhaustion working there. No a/c in the old days and the temps must have gotten incredibly hot.
The old shot is interesting. If they had doors blocked like that today, they would be cited for blocking egress even if there is another exit in the room.