106 Comments Posted by Junkyardave

Nice set, Mr. Motts. Thank you!!
Probably a gas or steam turbine.The plant likely generated it's own electricity.
More Lubricator pumps
I love this kinda stuff!!
I'd like to see the lower level, down below these beasts. Usually that's where the ancillary equipment was located....like oil filters, fuel/steam piping etc.
Absolutely incredible! Thank you for taking us on this awesome journey Mr. Motts!
Must have been extremely loud & HOT!
Another timeless photograph. It's my new background. Thanks Motts!
That's an incredible shot, Motts! WOW!
Lubricator block. Each of these is a single lube pump, tubed to different points on the engine. The glass window would allow the operator to adjust the rate of lubrication by counting the drops of oil.
The small buttons in front of each pump allowed for priming the pump.
There's a long camshaft in the case below the pumps that operate each one.
How awesome!
I'm so glad to know that this section of the plant is being preserved.
There is so much history right here.
Sorta looks like two old ships moored at the dock.
This is my kinda place. A testament to American ingenuity & hard work.
It must've been so exciting to explore this place!
Thank you for risking arrest & prosecution for these wonderful pictures.
Very much appreciated!