1,605 Comments Posted by Jude

It looks like they're sinking in quick-sand and screaming for help!
What an odd find in the middle of nowhere! Someone put a lot of work into building these just to let them sit and rot!! Kind of a shame....
A book. How exciting! The history and comments with your photos make all the difference when viewing. I can't wait to purchase a copy. I seem to find the hospitals and asylums the most interesting of your work. Congratulations on your first (of many I hope) volume.
I think you're right flushed. It must be a tall fence. Certainly not meant to use as a hand rail - ouch!!
This would make an awesome cage for a large pet bird! A Parrot or Cockatoo maybe. So tall - so many levels!
Paint colors are excellent. Almost looks like a world map showing deserts, plains & small lakes.
Waiting, peering outside, wondering if freedom will ever come....so sad.
This piano looks to be in fair shape. All of the keys appear to be intact. I'd bet those are real ivory over wood. Not the plastic crap they put on them now.
The chair has been patiently waiting for the door to open and someone (or something) to emerge...
It does remind of a train. Must be the shape. The room certainly looks structurally sound. Lovely brickwork!
Just look at all of the lovely windows! What a great way to wake up in the morning.
A new gallery - Hooray!! I'm so glad to see you back at it :-) Was starting to wonder if you had abandoned us as well.
Another great gallery Mr. Motts! Thank you!!! Love your work and seeing these places through your eyes is a wonder! So nice that you take the time and effort to share with us. Be safe & well !!
Being confined in a dark damp basement for many years would likely drive you insane if you weren't already. The light and fresh air certainly couldn't hurt! Its a proven fact that sunlight is good for your mental and emotional health.
The old curved porch columns at the back have so much more style that the newer ones in front. I'm sure those were replacements with no thought of appearance - just practicality.