305 Comments Posted by John
- Location: Margate State School (view comments)
- Gallery: Antiquities
- Location: Manicomio Francesca (view comments)
- Gallery: Invasion
- Location: Bannerman's Arsenal (view comments)
- Gallery: The Island
- Location: Sankt Marien Heilstätte (view comments)
- Gallery: Brevity
- Location: Sankt Marien Heilstätte (view comments)
- Gallery: Brevity
- Location: Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: August Haze
But that doesn't mean I didn't go through tough times there.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Medizinische Klinik (DRK Kliniken Westend) (view comments)
- Gallery: Charm
- Location: Kings Park Psychiatric Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Building 93 (Infirmary)
We Americans place little value on saving the past, in Europe buildings 600 years old are still used to this day. Thanks for the photographs however depressing they are.
- Location: Kings Park Psychiatric Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Building 93 (Infirmary)
I was kicked out of Devereux School for excessive runaways.
Gary, my social worker, was trying to get me into Kolborne School, however, there was a 3 to 6 month waiting period until a bed was available.
Gary called Mr.Heathwood and Mr.Heathwood allowed me to stay on Ward D until a bed became available.
During my time on D Ward I was not technically a patient, I was more of a guest.
I still had to follow the rules, but the rules were relaxed.
If I wanted to shoot pool, I went and played pool, or basketball or whatever.
That is the biggest reason why I didn't get into trouble when Mike and I went down to the girls end.
None of us did.
All we had to do was file a paper stating what took place.
Nothing ever became of it.
Because officially, I wasn't there.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
The funny thing about me is the fact that if a person doesn't make an impression, I don't remember them.
Jack made an impression because as soon as I entered Ward D Jack wanted me to take my shoes off and get in seclusion.
Basically he wanted a fight and I almost gave it to him, but I restrained myself and did what was asked.
The Hook, because she was standing in the office doorway watching us, and seeing her working there with a hook for an arm creeped me out.
You never reveled to me who you are other then the fact that you was there when I was there and remember Mike and I going down to the girls end.
I asked you before if you was in the same room as Mike, Tony and myself.
As far as the staff, Willie, although Litman sounds familiar.
I didn't pay much attention to them because to me, they were the enemy and I didn't chat with the enemy.
I had a big problem with authority growing up, to some extent I still do.
I read a question asking what the deal was with Mr. Heathwood.
The deal was this:
Mr. Heathwood and my Social Worker Gray, were childhood friends.
Now that doesn't mean I didn't have bad experiences because I did, but it means that those experiences were not as bad as others.
Because they were friends it afforded me some protection.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was special, I am saying that I was extremely lucky.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
I remember Danny because of his god awful feet!
As far as staff, Jack the asshole, the Hook, and Willie.
Those are the ones that come quickly to mind.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
Been so long ago.
I think I was one of the last ones to go roller skating in town from D Ward.
From your other comments, you said you was in the same room as Kim C.
I remember 3 of the six from that room. Kim C, A Colored Girl that was dating Mike and Sharon who had the hots for Tony.
It was Mike and I who went down to the room, Mike was there seeing the colored girl and I was there seeing Kim, Sharon was hoping Tony was coming down but Tony didn't want to.
After Kim and I broke up Kim started dating Mike.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
that part was cast at the homestead mill, outside pittsburgh, to be put in in the bethelehem mill...