59 Comments Posted by Jeff

Came back after years away, and was pleasantly surprised by a soap dispenser comment. Carry on Motts!
Even though this isn't my exact photo I still took the same one. Weird!
I took this photo on April 11th 2011 while touring the Glendale hospital. It was a TB hospital for a long time. Towards the end it turned into a mental facility. I was with my friend at the time and took this picture with my digital slr camera.
I took this picture. Not sure how it ended up on here
Not surprising that it was built in the '70s AND it's the most decayed. Materials and workmanship just didn't come up to previous standards all over the country, and winters in that part of the country are less than kind to careless construction and maintenance.

I'm glad to see these archaic beasts (pipe organs) falling into disrepair. Virtually no one cares about pipe organs anymore (except a mere fringe of classical music geeks and old people), and the horrendous expense of maintaining the damn things is beyond pathetic. The egregious racket pipe organs emit is worse than listening to a Snoop Dog CD played through 20 inch subs for hours on end.
I used to live in Berlin as a military brat in the early 80's. Our housing area had many bunkers near by, and all of them were sealed up until one day a construction project uncovered an entrance to one of them, that's when us teenagers decided to go for a look see. It was amazing and looked exactly like what's in this photo. The doors in the bunkers I saw had the peepholes, and directly above them were Eagle & wreaths with swastikas in the wreath, and the date 1938. They demolished that bunker only a couple weeks after that, was sad to us because it was so interesting, but I suppose necessary.
I agree w/ "I think", it is grafitti. It does not fit the style of the architecture at all.
looking to purchase ORIGINAL version of this game.. please contact.... electrowheels@Hotmail.com
Claudia, I know the photos you refer to, I personally think they are legit as there are tons of recent Pripyat photos on the interweb now (I think the Russians now have a program to allow certain citizens to visit the city for a day). As for the folks living there, radiation levels are low enough in some spots that cancer/illness is not guaranteed, just a higher risk. As residual radiation can accumulate in certain spots due to wind or water drainage, the gov't felt safer making the whole area out of bounds rather than trying to find all the hot spots individually
My, what different lives people lead. I hope she got well . . .
is it me? or does it look like there's a person on the top floor curled up?
very freaky image very creepy illusions....
Any idea who owns it now? I'd like to buy the place and fix it up and live in it.

- jeff