470 Comments Posted by Janice

Yeah, why Josh? Would you want to be stuck in one of these for the rest of your life??
Heh heh, you got it! Young Frankenstein!!
From you, Tommeh, it sounds logical to me!!
Reminds me of the movie Oscar and Lucinda when Ralph Fiennes dies in a glass house that has been hauled up the river. Does anyone remember that scene or the move? Beautiful picture.
I just checked out Camp Kiwanee on the internet. It's a beautiful place!
Hi Robert! You should join the Forum. Seems like you would have a lot to contribute!
It's the devil himself!
Yes, well we aim to please. And thanks to Tom Tom for all the chuckles! How could his "female guests" go wrong!!
Long Live The Penis, er The Pines!! Thanks guys for a huge laugh.
Yes, this is cool. Twin Peaks!!
Let's hope so, Big Ed. This place is too beautiful to destroy
Hi Long Island. Same thing in my local shopping center. The attendants come in with with young people in their teens and are transported in a mini-van. They seem to enjoy being in the store and are always treated with respect from the patrons of the store and from the staff. I have always had the belief that we are all God's precious creations, and that they are no different from us in his eyes. That's my opinion, anyway!!
Hey, Cruiser, very interesting post! When my father realized that I was serious about getting my driver's license waaayy back when, he found a 1947 Studebaker for $100 to teach me how to drive. I loved that car! Column shift that most people today wouldn't know what to do with, and to this day, I could still drive it if I could! Can't remember what he did with it after I got my license. But I remember what a cool car it was! Thanks for the info!
I believe you, Big Ed. Please see my entry in the Forum "Why Are You Interested in These Abandoned Places." I lived in a mansion in Washington, D.c built around 1800 and was used as a hospital during the Civil War. I KNOW WHAT I HEARD!!

You are absolutely right! Condos are not going to make any difference to whoever walked there!!
reddll -- beautiful thoughts!! Says it all, doesn't it!!